Classic Dry Gin 700ml
$79.00 incl. 10% GST
700ml | 41% alc/vol | Grape Based ‘London Dry Style’ distilled with hand-ground traditional London Dry Botanicals.
700ml | 41% alc/vol
A classic ‘London Dry’ style gin.
Juniper lead, expressive and fragrant and soft on the finish.
Lovely to mix as a Gin & Tonic or Negroni, also enjoyable neat over ice with Lemon garnish
Additional information
Weight | 1.5 kg |
Dimensions | 10 × 10 × 23 cm |
alc/vol | 41% |
Volume | 700ml |
Botanicals | Angelica, Cardamom, Cassia Bark, Cinnamon, Coriander, Ginger, Juniper, Liquorice Root, Mace, Nutmeg, Orange, Oris Root |